Tri nova kursa u katalogu „IIA Global OnDemand Training“
Latest Courses
Plan and conduct a mobile computing audit engagement by addressing key risks related to mobile technology and mobile applications, including some of the common threats and controls for mobile devices, mobile management systems, and mobile applications. Learn more.
Understand your role in support of the organization’s insider threat initiatives, and elaborates on planning and performing an audit engagement by addressing key risks that should be considered when planning an audit of the insider threat program. Learn more.
Ethical Scenarios for Internal Auditors
Identify the rules that aid in interpreting each of the four principles of the Code of Ethics to gain an understanding on how to apply these principles and rules outlined in the Code of Ethics, through provided scenarios. Learn more.
If you have questions or would like to learn how your Affiliate can participate in this program, please contact Affiliate Development and Communications Director, Shamika Townsend, by email at